
Refund and Cancellation

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Our focus is complete customer satisfaction. In the event, if you are displeased with the services provided, we will CHECK the reasons are genuine and proved after investigation, we will give the replacement of the services.

Please read the fine prints of each deal before buying it, it provides all the details about the services or the product you purchase.

In case of dissatisfaction from our services, clients have the liberty to cancel their projects Our Policy for the cancellation and refund will be as follows:

Cancellation Policy

As, we are service based platform, we are starting working on fulfillment of your requirement very soon after you placed your online requirement.

Service booking confirmation payment is taken for consuming the services. Once service providers comes to serve you, it’s not possible for any cancellation.

Before 12 hours of the service appointment, you may cancel the service request or reschedule it. For Cancellations please contact us via contact us link/ call/ Email. 

Refund Policy

As, we are service based platform, we are starting working on fulfillment of your requirement very soon after you placed your online requirement.

Our REFUND policy is as below:

Service booking confirmation payment is taken for consuming the services. Once service providers comes to serve you, it’s not possible for any cancellation. No refund in this case. Before 12 hours of the service appointment, you may cancel the service request or reschedule it. Cancellation request will not be acceptable within 12 hours before service appointment schedule. If any refund generated, it can be worked out and will be credited to your OYAS wallet. For Cancellations please contact us via contact us link/ call/ Email. 

In case, we found any misleading information/ act from client, service agreement can be terminated without giving any prior notice.